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how fast can you lose weight on elliptical
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п»ї"Hollywood's Handwriting Expert"
This page is for determining Compatibility from handwriting. This procedure is called Handwriting Analysis or Graphology. You can learn to analyze anyone's personality from his or her handwriting. Anyone's...lover, child, parent, boss, friend, enemy, babysitter, attorney, accountant. You'll find links at the bottom of this page showing you more tips n tricks on analyzing anyone.
You're at the site of one of the most known graphologists, Kathy Gulley, California, USA. Here are a couple of quotes about her from US TV news about her credibility and successes. Her accuracy is proven in writing by 85 celebrities including Johnny Carson, Barbara Walters, Brooke Shields, Christie Brinkley, Stephen King, etc: CBS-TV news calls Kathy Gulley (aka K.G. Stevens)"#1 in the world," "The woman who can change your life by changing your handwriting," "The Best of the Best," etc. Kathy Gulley is a published author, talk show guest, teacher, speaker and court-qualified expert witness. Featured in the National Enquirer, Soap Opera Digest,etc
Graphology is a scientific system of identification and assessment of character and personality of someone through detailed examination of, and study of, his or her handwriting sample. - Kathy Gulley-Stevens, Certified Master Graphologist and Document Examiner
Your personality is reflected in your handwriting. Everybody’s is. A trained expert can tell you all about yourself just by looking at how you form your strokes. So, why don’t you get some of your handwriting in front of you (cursive or longhand preferred) and analyze some of it. Ready? Let’s take a look at the Slant of your handwriting--the direction in which your writing leans. It’s easiest to picture yourself standing on your baseline of writing. Which way are you leaning? To the right? Left? Standing straight up?
Emotional Responsiveness: How do you react emotionally?
Which way does your writing lean? Most Americans write with a right-leaning slant. The direction your writing slants reveals how you react emotionally. Appearances are deceiving. The most beautiful, ornate, perfect scripts are usually written by the most screwed up people, while the sloppy writing can be written by a fantastic person.
There is a scientific way to measure slant. You can find the instructions in my book (see book below).
About 75-80% of Americans write with this slant. It indicates they feel first and think later. The right-slant writer responds emotionally and most show it immediately. Many respond before thinking. It’s automatic. This can be an asset for an athlete and a handicap for a spouse. S/he might say something s/he regrets.
This writer can do something on the spur of the moment; then he may wish he hadn’t done it. This writer may not show it, but his gut is always reacting, always churning. He can look cool and controlled on the outside, but his stomach is doing leaps on the inside. Good acting. People with right slants usually are more inclined to interact socially (especially when combined with other factors, such as normal-sized loops in their "y" or "z." This is one reason why Americans are gregarious; they are joiners.
This is the objective one, the nonreactor. This person thinks before he speaks. That's the good news. The bad news is because he is a "thinker" rather than a "feeler," he may not give a right-slant writer the emotional feedback he needs for fulfillment. These two are emotionally responsive opposites. Opposites can attract. Opposites can complete each other.
If you’re looking for an objective opinion, ask the writer with the straight-up slant.
Very rare. Comes from being emotionally slighted or harmed in childhood. Writing to the left is a defense or safety mechanism. This person could talk all day, but when you reflect back on the conversation, he will have said little about his personal self.
MIXED SLANTS: Emotional problems. May want to seek therapy. However, you're never boring and no one could take you for granted because no one could ever know for sure how you will respond to anything!
Amazing, but True!
Accurate Matchmaking from Handwriting Samples
The handwriting analyst TV News calls, "the Best of the Best."
The graphologist the Celebrities trust
"Hollywood's Handwriting Expert" Kathy Gulley of California USA
1998 Kathy Gulley (pen name K.G.Stevens)
Find out what anyone is really like, in advance, from her or his handwriting samples. Affordable, quick, confidential, fast.
Graphology is a scientific system of identification and assessment of character and personality of someone through detailed examination of, and study of, his or her handwriting sample.
The purpose of this page is to educate on an amazing, accurate and confidential way to have anyone's personality and character analyzed, confidentially. Compatibility. Handwriting Analysis or Graphology, is a means of analyzing anyone's personality from his or her handwriting. If you have a sample of someone's handwriting, that's all you need to find out what s/he is really like. Kathy Gulley, Hollywood's Handwriting Expert, P O Box 93, Chino, CA 91708 USA.
Your personality is reflected in your handwriting. Everybody's is. A trained expert can tell you all about yourself just by looking at how you form your strokes. This is applied psychology; there are rules to analyzing handwriting. If an analyst applies the rules right, you'll find an accuracy of 80+%--higher than medicine. My personal accuracy is rated at over 90%.
Some of the MANY things you will find out from handwriting include:
Is she warm and responsive, or cold and controlled?
What are her sexual tendencies? Is she apt to be loyal, or wander?
How are her values? Does she have morals? Ethics?
What does she really think of you? Another man?
Would she be a good mother? Friend? Wife?
Is she a deliberate liar?
Too aggressive? Passive?
How's her self-worth?
Honest? Dishonest? Interested only in money?
A rebel with, or without a cause?
Generous? Stingy, including with affection?
Too sensitive?
Too stubborn for your good?
Does she have a temper?
To give you an example of how this works, let's find out what you're like emotionally, okay? To determine your emotional responsiveness, look at the Slant of your handwriting--the direction your writing leans from the baseline of writing. It's easiest to picture yourself standing on your baseline of writing. Which way are you leaning? To the right? Left? Standing straight up?
is determined by Slant or Direction of Writing
Which way does your writing lean? Most Americans write with a right-leaning slant. Appearances are deceiving. The most beautiful, ornate, perfect scripts are usually written by the most screwed up people, while sloppy writing can be indicative of a fantastic person. Don't jump to conclusions. There are rules which must be applied for an analysis to be accurate. This is applied psychology.
There is a scientific way to measure slant; there are rules. You can find the instructions in my book (see book below) or in books at your library. (Or, sign up for my Correspondence Course if you're serious about learning).
About 75-80% of Americans write with this slant. It indicates they feel first and think later. The right-slant writer responds emotionally and most show it immediately. Many respond before thinking. It's automatic. This can be an asset for an athlete and a handicap for a spouse. S/he might say something s/he regrets.
This writer can do something on the spur of the moment; then he may wish he hadn't done it. This writer may not show it, but his gut is always reacting, always churning. He can look cool and controlled on the outside, but his stomach is doing leaps on the inside. Good acting. People with right slants usually are more inclined to interact socially (especially when combined with other factors, such as normal-sized loops in their "y" or "z." This is one reason why Americans are gregarious; they are joiners.
This is the objective one, the nonreactor. This person thinks before he speaks. That's the good news. The bad news is because he is a "thinker" rather than a "feeler," he may not give a right-slant writer the emotional feedback he needs for fulfillment. These two are emotionally responsive opposites. Opposites can attract. Opposites can complete each other.
If you're looking for an objective opinion, ask the writer with the straight-up slant.
LEFT-LEANING SLANT = Holds back on emotional responses; self-protection:
Very rare. Comes from being emotionally slighted or harmed in childhood. Writing to the left is a defense or safety mechanism. This person could talk all day, but when you reflect back on the conversation, he will have said little about his personal self.
MIXED SLANTS: Emotional problems. May want to seek therapy. However, you're never boring and no one could take you for granted because no one could ever know for sure how you will respond to anything!
Handwriting Analysis Sexual Interests Quiz
How to analyze anyone's sexual interests
from his or her handwriting
1997 Kathy Gulley, "Hollywood's Handwriting Expert"
Is (s)he a bully? Aggressor? Liar? Need variety? Spontaneous? This expert has thirty years tied up in answering these questions about anyone from his or her handwriting sample.
Note: This site is not into porn. It's more like Viagra for the mind smile Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) is a valid, proven method of analyzing personalities, including sex attitudes and desires, from handwriting samples. If you want to determine confidentially how loyal or promiscuous a person might be, this is how to do it. Handwriting can tell you. By the way, anyone can bring about changes in him or her self by making conscious changes in handwriting. This is called Grapho-Therapy, therapy through purposeful handwriting changes. Your brain tells your hand how to write. Reverse the process and have your hand tell your brain a thing or two. It works. So, I don't just tell you all the bad things and then hang you out to dry, so to speak. I also tell you what changes you could make to become your Personal Best - sexually or otherwise.
Most clients learn more from me in one handwriting analysis than they learned about the other person in years of association. Really. Magic? No. Psychic? No. Just hard work where I studied and became a Certified Master Graphologist in which line in your handwriting represents what in your personality. It's like reading an x-ray of your brain. Take advantage of this amazing service and find out, up front, what someone is really like. What are you really like? Do you know your weaknesses? Strengths? Want to know if you can trust someone? Is she after your money? A liar? Too sensitive? Too emotional? Handwriting reveals all this and much more, confidentially and inexpensively.
I am a highly qualified expert endorsed by celebrities and big business. Am also an expert witness, speaker, college and workshops teacher, published author, guest on 300 talk shows, party entertainer (even to the Stars). Have been featured in the National Enquirer and Soap Opera Digest, yada yada yada. For more on me, and Handwriting Analysis, click on "Home," below. A couple of media quotes for you: "Hollywood's Handwriting Expert," "#1 in the World," "The woman who can change your life by changing your handwriting," "The Best of the Best."
THIS IS NONDISCRIMINATING! A Graphologist cannot tell from handwriting:
Gender, age, handedness, occupation, marital status, religion, race, or sexual orientation--I don't know if you're straight or gay. I would know if you walk on the wild side sexually! I would not know who with, or which gender.
FIRST, LET'S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT, PLEASE: I am not revealing this information so it can be misused by a bunch of perverts. That's not my goal. I am revealing it so it can be of some help. I don’t even know you so please don’t make me sorry I’ve told you all this. Don’t misuse this data to run around and find out who might jump in the sack with you tonight or what married woman or man likes sex so much you might be able to convince her to partake. I am giving you my permission to read my webpages and pick my brain free of charge if you agree to hold me harmless from all you do with the knowledge you gain! Otherwise, take a hike, please.
The following interpretations and analyses are based on the application of the priniciples of Graphology. They are made without bias or prejudice and without liability to the analyst, Kathy Gulley. I repeat that, though each instruction can be individually correct, each character trait can affect another, modifying the interpretation. Though the following data will give you some idea about analyzing sexual interests, it is best to have a Certified Master Graphologist (C.M.G.) perform an In-Depth Analysis for $49.95. Compare that to what you've probably already spent trying to understand...or what you would pay a therapist or psychologist.
ALL HANDWRITING STROKES TIE TOGETHER TO FORM A PERSONALITY JUST AS ALL LINKS IN A CHAIN JOIN TOGETHER TO FORM THE CHAIN. THEREFORE, NO ONE TRAIT STANDS ALONE IN INTERPRETING PERSONALITY. EACH AFFECTS THE OTHER. This is not a be-all, end-all tool. Consider other avenues such as asking a therapist or reading good books on the subject, or taking other personality tests, too. If you think someone's off the deep end sexually, you should recommend s/he get psychological counseling.
1) Want to know what someone really thinks of you?
Answer: If s/he writes your name with one of the tallest capital letters on the page, she thinks a lot of you. Respect. However, if s/he writes your name with a small capital compared to other capitals in her script, you best be thinking about improving yourself, finding another, or taking a hike.
2) Does he really love you? Or is she using you?
Answer: This can pretty much be answered using the same measurements as in #1 above.
3) Would she desire other sex partners?
Answer: Perhaps, if she writes with overly large lower loops and firm pen pressure in her lower loops such as "g and y."
4) Could he be a sex pervert? A little wacko?
Answer: This one I have to keep to myself, but I’ll include it in my book when I find a publisher, okay? Handwriting needs to be in balance for the personality to be in balance. There are exact rules and measurements to apply to determine whether or not a handwriting is in balance. Some are described throughout my web pages and you can learn the answers by clicking on "Home" below. I’m sick of perverts so I will give you one very important answer right now:
If someone writes with extreme pressure that cuts through the page of writing, he could have emotional or mental problems. And, if he writes with o’s that are open at the bottom instead of at the top, it’s a sure bet he has problems.
5) Would s/he make a good wife/husband?
Answer: The Gestalt, or overall handwriting, will tell you. Is it consistent? Balanced? Written with more round strokes than angular or straight ones? (See the book I wrote)
6) Would she be a good mother? Would he be a kinder, gentler father?
Answer: The "gentler, kinder Moms" write with rounded, uniform strokes.
7) Is she more interested in money than in sex, or you?
Answer" Check those lower loops again. If they are large but lacking in pen pressure, they are "money bags" rather than sex bags!
8) Is she pushy or gentle?
Answer: Pushy = straight strokes forming angles and Gentle = round strokes forming curves
9) Can she carry a grudge?
Answer: Anyone who writes with heavy pressure (where you can feel the indentations of the handwriting on the back of the page) can carry a grudge
10) Is she generous or stingy?
Answer: Does she write with rounded, soft writing and have curved strokes on the ends of words = generous. If she writes with angles and has small writing with no curved ending strokes, she’ll be good with a budget and tight with giving.
11) Is she a deliberate liar? Answer: Yes, she can be, if she writes her ovals comprised of 4 loops instead of 1 or 2 (see my book). To find out for sure, click on the Liar link below.
12) Is she vain? (Find out by jumping over to the family members link below; then click Back to get back here)
Answer: Yes, if her personal pronoun "I's" are the tallest capitals in her script. Or, if the capital of her own name is taller than other capitals. If she writes the capital in your first name smaller than her own, she’ll put herself first.
You tired of all this learning yet? I thought not. Let’s proceed.
13) Is he aggressive? (More data on aggression at my Child link below)
Answer: Anyone is aggressive if they write with angles forming triangular formations. Then, you look at which of the three zones (spiritual or philosophical, everyday life, or physical) the triangles are in, to interpret how they use their aggression and how it is displayed. O.J. Simpson’s writing is prolific with triangles.
14) Hard on herself?
Answer: See my link on families below to find out how to tell what level of Self-Worth someone has.
15) Demanding?
Answer:Sorry, I’m tired. This is plenty of info for you to digest and learn to apply. Please Bookmark these pages and check back later. Hope you had fun and learned something.
I offer much information free on adjoining links, and you can hire me to provide you with most anything you need to know about the personality of any person in your life. You don't need to send someone to a shrink or pay a private investigator - you don't even need to let him or her know you're learning about them! This is all confidential and anonymous and if I do an analysis for you, the only copy in existence is the one I give you.
Discovering Kids' Personality Traits from Their Handwriting
Copyright 1998 Kathy Gulley-Stevens
Graphology is a scientific system of identification and assessment of character and personality of someone through detailed examination of, and study of, his or her handwriting sample. - Kathy Gulley-Stevens, Certified Master Graphologist and Document Examiner
You can learn to analyze any child from his writing, drawing, printing, scratchings. Every stroke made tells a trained expert something about the person making it--even the simplest of “i-dots. I've taught at colleges. Handwriting Analysis is taught at the accredited level in some universities. For more specifics on this science, click on FAQ, below. If a child makes strokes with a crayon reaching from left to right, he is progressive and may venture out into the world with eagerness smile If a child makes strokes tending or moving leftward, he may not be emotionally ready to venture out. A parent should go to the kindergarten room with this chiild on his first day. The other type will probably tell you to get lost as he tries to walk to school alone!
Hi, kids! If you write good, you’ll be good. You are how you write. Alrightie then! Let’s check you out. Did you know that how you write affects what you'll be like when you grow up? It does.
Curves = Being sweet and kind: If you want to become a sweet, gentle person, practice drawing and writing using curved lines and circles, like when you draw a happy face. Curves look like ocean waves on the bottoms and umbrellas on the tops.
Angles = Tough Guy: Write like this, using straight lines, only if you want to be a "tough guy," (but remember, some people won't like you then because lots of tough guys are bad guys who are not liked). To become a "tough guy", practice writing with straight lines and angles instead of curves and round strokes.
I do not personally recommend this. Because you could end up like this:
Personally, I prefer the nicer, gentler people with rounded handwritings. They usually become teachers and nurses and people who love and help others, like me. As Barney sings, "I love you, you love me...". Changing your handwriting can help you be a happy family. If you have questions, ask somebody bigger to write them down for you and email them to me.
Size of Writing:
Small writing indicates an ability to concentrate and work with details. If you want to be good at working with details, be sure to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s. Big writing has a harder time working with details.
Generous and Giving, or stingy?:
People who are generous and giving write with curved strokes at the ends of their words. People who have no curved strokes at the ends of their words are tightwads and are usually stingy. Maybe even selfish. Yukkie, eh? So, I think of them like this: (Ha!)
You are how you write. Your handwriting will show you what you (or anyone else) are really like. Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) is Applied Psychology and is one of the fastest and most reliable analytical tools on earth. This site will teach you it. You will learn how to analyze yourself and others from handwriting--accurately, confidentially, anonymously, privately. If you take a class, you will be able to immediately apply what you learned.
To have a professional analysis performed of a child, confidentially and anonymously if desired, send his writing sample with a self-addressed, stamped envelope for one-pound postage from Hollywood, California, USA to you. Include $49.95 US currency in money order or check made payable to:
Kathy Gulley-Stevens
Handwriting Expert
P O Box 93
Chino, CA 91708 USA
I'll include, free of charge, with your analysis, Grapho-Therapy suggestions (see Self-Help link, below) so you can suggest to your child that s/he make specific changes in his writing in order to bring about positive changes within himself. This will point your child in the right direction to become his Personal Best (and it will carry over into how he picks his friends, develops integrity and courage, etc). It all starts right here, right now--while he is young.
Self-esteem or self-worth is probably the singularly most important character trait there is. To find out how your child's Self-Worth is developing, click on Self-Worth link below and also visit the link to analyzing families. (The Personality Test is also informative). It is believed that, If you build a young child's self-worth early on, he will have a far greater chance to "be his own person," be original and, say "Just Say No."
analyze any personality from handwriting.
Note: You can also test your self-confidence, and discipline, below.
You'll find a lot more info by clicking on Handwriting Analysis Home Page below
Graphology is a scientific system of identification and assessment of character and personality of someone through detailed examination of, and study of, his or her handwriting sample. Grapho-Therapy is the self-help system brought to America by Frenchman Paul de Ste. Colombe wherein one can change one's personality by making conscious changes in one's handwriting. SO, IF YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOURSELF, CHANGE NEGATIVE STROKES IN YOUR WRITING TO POSITIVE ONES. Making positive statements to yourself helps speed up the process.
- Kathy Gulley-Stevens, Certified Master Graphologist and Document Examiner
SELF-WORTH (how you feel about yourself):
If you have good self-worth, you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve and to handle things that come your way in life. Good self-worth is what allows us to say "No" to negative offers such as drugs. Self-worth helps you become your personal best, your own person and to own up to your life. To stand for something. Poor Self-worth?
You can improve your self-worth by changing your handwriting on purpose. Really. Consciously write your personal pronoun "I's" so their height measures 2-3 times the height of your lower case small letters located in the middle zone (Your PPI starts in the middle zone and reaches up into the Upper Zone). Changing or improving yourself takes time, but you will notice the difference if you’re patient and disciplined in your writing exercises. You'll know you've "made it" when you no longer have to think about how you are writing your PPI's and write them good without thinking about it.
Suggestion for those with low self-worth: Lighten up! Don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake. We all do. People will still like you. You might be a great person who is your own worst critic. Some people will like you even better because making a mistake may make them feel less stupid! Think about it! You have my permission to forgive yourself...
SELF-WORTH: How you write or form your Personal Prounoun I:
Take a CLOSE look at the way you form your Personal Pronoun I’s. Did you write your "I's" small or short? (shorter than other capital letters?). If so, you're not feeling very good about yourself and might be too hard on yourself. If so, here's a little homework assignment from your new grapho-therapist (me, Kathy Gulley of Southern California, USA):
From now on, write your I's so they measure between 2-1/2 to 3 times the height of the word "can" in the sentence "I can do anything I think I can." Saying positive things to yourself, such as, "I'm okay, you're okay"and "I messed up; I'll do better next time" will help you achieve results sooner. This works. It can help you, if you'll practice.
Too vain? Feel TOO good about yourself? Feeling superior?
Do you write your I's too tall? Are they taller than 3 times the height of the word "can" in "I can do anything..."? This isn't good either. All things in life need to be in balance to function properly, even you. If you formed your "I's" too tall, you are not based in reality--you do not have your feet planted firmly on the ground. You've got your head stuck in the clouds somewhere. You could be self-centered and stuck on yourself (this is usually a defense mechanism against someone telling you that you were not worth much in childhood). You might feel inferior but you cover it up by acting superior. You might want to rethink this, and change. Vanity usually does not win friends or influence people. Try to face reality and be real.
Self-Confidence in your work:
If you want to be able to set good work-related goals and meet them, make sure you cross your small letters "t" with strong “t-bars?/i> placed above the middle of the "t-stem" (the vertical up and down part of the "t"). Apply enough pressure so the t-bar crossing is at least as strong as the rest of your writing.
If you want to finish your homework and other projects, write your downstrokes (strokes moving downward) with at least as much pressure as you do the rest of your script,

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